Read the Book of Mormon 30 Minutes a Day
"The most powerful forcefulness in human nature is the spiritual power of faith." Howard W. Hunter
I've had occasion recently to wonder near the foundations of my religion. Information technology may sound strange to say it, but I accept powerfully strong religion. I was blest with a assertive center, meaning that when friends taught me the gospel 32 years ago, I had an easy fourth dimension agreement and accepting the truth. Their examples of faith gave me the strength to begin building my own testimony. Over the years, my faith has grown into a rock solid foundation that strengthens me in every aspect of my life.
I beloved the LDS faith and then much, particularly when I think about all the Church is and all that it ways in my life. While my testimony is centered in Christ's amende, I truly love every aspect of the gospel. From the pioneers to the prophets, I cherish my church building and information technology's teachings. I dear the prophets from Moses to Monson. I love the scriptures and the Sabbath. I dear General Conference and the General Authorities, fasting, the Family Proclamation, and FHE. From tithing to temple worship, I've fully invested myself in all aspects of Church membership, and I've reaped dividends far beyond what I ever anticipated in the early stages of my membership. I've sometimes said that if I had known then what I know now, I would have literally run to the waters of baptism!
Recently while watching the movie 17 Miracles, a movie about the Mormon Pioneers, my heart burned with the cognition that no matter what comes I will never, ever, leave what others take sacrificed nigh all they had to establish. If the Mormon Pioneers could hold on to their organized religion while starving to decease on the plains trying to reach Utah and alive their organized religion, how can I practice less in my own time, in spite of the mountains of challenges that I may face? While the cold winds of doubt and spiritual starvation encompass the globe, I hope my organized religion and the faith of others will fire brightly and fan the flame of faith for others in this darkening globe.
So where did my organized religion come from? Why practise I detect my faith growing ever stronger when others question the church and it's doctrines? Have I always had doubts or questions arise? The answer is yes. In spite of my believing heart, I have had questions and had to build my testimony line upon line, axiom upon precept as everyone does. I think the fundamental for me is in the arroyo that I have taken when I needed my questions answered. My choice has been to engage in daily personal spiritual practices that have added bit by chip to my knowledge and testimony.
When I was a fairly new member and a college student, President Benson said nosotros should read the Book of Mormon 30 minutes every day. My roommate and I took that counsel to heart. We were up early virtually every day to let that time to read and study the Volume of Mormon. Whether I knew information technology and so or non, the foundations of my faith were being laid in those early on morning hours in the early years of my membership.
Since that time, I accept connected to pray and study the scriptures every single twenty-four hours. I have found that every bit I begin each day with prayer and scripture study, I experience empowered by the spirit to confront the challenges, and capeesh the blessings that are a part of daily life. I sometimes say that without my personal study time, I would be "Satan Mom". But considering I make scripture written report a priority, I find great joy in being a wife and mother, and I accept the inspiration and guidance I demand to run across the demands of those sacred roles in my life.
These acts of personal, private, religious beliefs have led to so many blessing of guidance, management, strength and peace, that I accept come to know for myself that God is existent, and that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior, who knows, understands, and loves me personally and perfectly. I have tested Moroni's promise that, if I asked in religion I would receive my own personal witness of the Volume of Mormon (Mor x:3-5). I take also come to know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and that nosotros have had a continuous line of prophets leading the church through Priesthood authorization since his time.
So when I say "faith comes from faithfulness", what I actually mean is that anyone tin can come to know for themselves, not simply that the Volume of Mormon is true, but that and so much more than. You lot tin test promises of the Book of Mormon, and every other attribute of the gospel as well. If y'all pray, you volition come to know that prayers are heard and answered. If you read the scriptures, you will discover very personal answers to your life's challenges, and be more in tune to the daily promptings of the spirit. If yous fast, you tin call on the Lord with confidence and He shall say, "Here I am." (Isa 56:9) If you mind to General Conference, you will find happiness, peace, and direction in your life, and come to know that we are atomic number 82 by a living prophet today. If you pay tithing, the Lord will open the windows of Sky "and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive information technology." (Mal three:10) Through faithfulness, y'all can experience all these things and more.
If you want faith, I encourage you to exist true-blue. Prepare bated fourth dimension each day to pray and study the scriptures and the teachings of the prophets. Keep the commandments. Ask God if all these things are true, and He volition manifest the truth of them to you, as he has to me and countless others. When questions ascend for you, as they do for everyone, look to God, not to bullheaded guides, for answers.
In the Book of Mormon Helaman counseled, "…recollect that information technology is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall ship along his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, information technology shall have no power over you to drag you downward to the gulf of misery and countless wo, considering of the rock upon which ye are congenital, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall. " (Hel 5:12)
I encourage all to build upon the rock of Christ. Although it takes a lifetime of continuous effort, the promised reward is worth all that is required to come to the knowledge of the reality of God.
What has helped build your organized religion? I would love to hear from you lot in the comments beneath.
By Rachel Benson
See also: Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Howard W. Hunter Affiliate 21 Religion and Testimony
Rachel Benson is a blessed wife and mother of 6 kids, 3 kids-in-police force, sister/sister-in-law to nine, aunt to 40+, and grandmother of one beautiful babe girl. Based on her feel so far, Rachel thinks grandparenting might simply be God's most wonderful idea! She is the possessor of Carmine Door Real Estate, and enjoys the occasional house flip and being a landlord. Her family, friends. and organized religion are the most of import things in her life, and she loves making new friends everywhere she goes. You can observe her on Twitter @strong_moms.
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